Depending upon whether the LRC file format is in the simple or advanced format will determine what type of media application can open and play the file. For example, if the song file for the lyrics is titled song1.mp3, then the LRC file would be titled song1.lrc. The LRC file format is supported by a variety of media players and plugins and contains the same filename as the actual song file. The lyric data also supports colors that can be used throughout multiple lines to make the lyrics easier to view. The purpose of the time tags is to point to the appropriate lyrics which should display at designated points in the song. The file extension LRC is a text file type that contains time tags and lyrics which are used with Karaoke files and other media files. Later the LRC format was created in the form of an enhanced lyrics format which is a more advanced format that is used for video Karaoke in real-time. The format was originally developed for a lyrics display program which was designed to imitate Karaoke activities.

The file extension LRC is defined as a Lyric file which is used by a wide variety of multimedia applications.